Title: The Summoning (Darkest Powers Trilogy, Book 1)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Number of Pages: 390
Age Level: Young Adult
Genre(s): Urban Fantasy, supernatural, thriller, paranormal.
Synopsis: The first book in Mrs. Armstrong's young adult trilogy, 15 year old Chloe Saunders has just gotten her first period and now she's seeing ghosts. What's worse she's had to move into a group home for troubled teens before she can resume her normal life. Small problem...that life doesn't exist anymore for Chloe.
Review: This was the first book I've ready by Mrs. Armstrong and I have to say I enjoyed every minute of it. The character's were so real and 3 dimensional that it was difficult to believe that somewhere in the world there was a Chloe out there going though something similar to what's happening in the book. The dynamics between the characters is perfect from the flat fair-weather friends that Chloe knew at A.R. Gurney, to Raechelle, Derek, Simon, Tori and Liz at Lyle House who would create friends, and worst enemies for Chloe.
Everything about the writing breathes that it has an amazing tale to tell and it doesn't disappoint at all. From the rivalry between Tori and Chloe to the shocking surprise that she is actually a necromancer makes a very convincing and action-packed story. The climax of the story coming at the end of the book with Chloe, Derek, Simon, and Raechelle's daring attempt to escape from the group home to find Derek and Simon's father.
There is a distinct obvious attraction on Simon's part toward Chloe. And a very subtle and possible attraction between Chloe and Derek.
If you're every looking for a good urban fantasy, young adult novel I would recommend that you read The Summoning.
Find my review of The Awakening here.
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